Gem Wallet
Gem Wallet is an open-source and self-custodial crypto wallet that lets you send, receive, swap, use dApps, buy, and stake cryptocurrencies
Gem WalletThe Worldeater
The Worldeater is a global ADA escrow. If Hell does not receive a new deposit for 72 hours, all active participants are paid their dues.
The WorldeaterEpic Apes
EpicApes is a full-fledged f2p & p2e idle game where your time and effort can be turned into real money!
Welcome to SpaceDoge, a groundbreaking initiative at the confluence of meme culture, blockchain innovation, and global philanthropy.
CyberVerse is a free-to-play, cross-chain and play-to-earn MMORPG live in public beta on Cardano blockchain!
CyberVerseDigital Gold Series Two Mining Permit
Digital Gold Ecosystem BLOCKCHAIN SUPERHEROS CNFT Collection Minting July 27tH 2024 for 55 ADA per NFT
Digital Gold Series Two Mining PermitRaffleize
RAFFLEIZE C-A-R-D-A-N-A is tailored for facilitating creation, management of, and participation in online raffles.
RaffleizeDigital Gold Ecosystem
The Digital Gold Ecosystem is a three Token ecosystem that specializes in virtual mining, collectable NFTs, retro gaming and a user friendly browser interface.
Digital Gold EcosystemKezex Token
Kezex (KZX) token, a decentralized finance and multichain innovation. Built on the robust Binance Smart Chain using the BEP-20 standard, it's the best crypto to
Kezex TokenOnADrac
OnADrac is an ode to the hidden tales and mysteries surrounding Cardano's inception, suggesting the emergence of a dragon leading Cardano to the moon.
OnADracPeriodic Table of Elements on Cardano
A community owned “Periodic Table of the Elements” on the Cardano™ blockchain. ELEMENT Utility Token.
Periodic Table of Elements on CardanoHydragames
HYDRAGAMES next phase is now on the move, converging Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Crypto Game, which is a groundbreaking fusion of two dynamic and transfor
TheADA is a Decentralized and Scalable NFT Staking Protocol.
Turbocharge your Cardano NFT projects with industry-standard engagement tools. Track secondary sales, share new mints and apply ownership-based Discord roles.
ADABET is a sports betting platform that applies Cardano blockchain technology to build betting transactions.
Enhance your token collection experience with Splash, a Cardano-based arcade. Play for tokens and NFTs, boost rewards by holding our Dawg NFTs.
SplashBoop Pop
Boop pop is a project of collectible NFTs backed by a Comic and rewards with a lottery on ADA Cardano
Boop PopGoofy Gophers Mining Club
GGMC is an exclusive community for those who want maximum diversified exposure across crypto mining.
Goofy Gophers Mining ClubStellar Hood
Stellar Hood is a highly tokenized scientifical webgame utilizing the first fully on-chain NFT on Cardano and introducing the project-interoperability concept.
Stellar HoodA Day at the Lake
NFT holders get access to LIFETIME AD SPOTS on Lido Nation. Collectible NFT art featuring pond microorganisms & educational metadata poetry
A Day at the LakePSYCHOZ
An NFT Collectible Card Game or Trading Card Game (CCG/TCG), with engaging gameplay that includes factions of serial killers, law, and pedestrians.
Crossmint offers infrastructure for enterprises and developers to create, distribute, and custody NFTs at scale.
CrossmintMithr Token
MITHR, the token that rewards you for caring for the environment. We will compensate you for caring for the planet with our Token.
Mithr is a pioneer in decentralized asset lending on Cardano, allowing enthusiasts to take full advantage of lending and borrowing opportunities.
bonds.orgCardano Studio
Create and mint NFTs on Cardano all in your browser for a very small fee - without trusting a third party for minting.
Cardano StudioNFT Creator
Design Cardano NFTs with this image editor
NFT CreatorFraction.Estate
By removing the middleman, Fraction Estate makes it easier and cheaper for investors to buy and sell fractional real estate
Fraction.EstateNFT Link
A service for linking physical items with NFTs.
An NFT Content Delivery Service, allowing you to displaying Cardano NFTs efficiently and optimally across the worlds of the internet and applications.
nftcdn.ioAcronym DAO
A DAO that buys NFT for bulk prices and sells them to its members for these prices. Also offering members loans on their blue chip Cardano NFTs.
Acronym DAOSecret GOAT Society
A community-led investment club run as a DAO. Each NFT equals one vote in the SGS. Also offering an enterprise level NFT minting service.
Secret GOAT SocietyEpoch Art
AN NFT marketplace supporting bundles and having a requirement to go through the team to list a project.
Epoch ArtApeWatch
Monitor the total value of the holdings of any Cardano wallet.
An NFT minting service for projects Building on Cardano. Offering a variety of mint types to suit different project’s wants and needs.
An Artificial Intelligence Generated Art and Community Project on the Cardano Blockchain
PseudonymousCNFT ONCHAIN
Cataloging all the on-chain NFTs released on Cardano.
NFT marketplace for artists and art - everything from animation, to film, to music, to paintings - donating at least 5% of each sale to social impact projects.
The Art SuiteBlakeCNFT
A podcast, also a YouTube channel, focused mainly on the goings on in Cardano NFTs but often touching on other Cardano topic too. Both fun and informative.
BlakeCNFTMercury Chat
A wallet-to-wallet messaging system for Cardano that can be integrated into dApps.
Mercury ChatYamfore
A crypto backed loan platform with no liquidation events, no interest payments, and indefinite loan periods. Fundamentally long on the price of ada.
YamforeAtrium Lab
A data and feature rich wallet management app that acts like your Cardano wallet and offers incentives for certain actions and encourages a fairer experience.
Atrium LabWallet Wednesday
A Twitter Space interviewing people from different projects in the Cardano NFT space, guests come from both NFT collections and NFT tools.
Wallet WednesdayFibonacciADA
Natures cryptocurrency. A sequence made from gold, built on Cardano, that store of value with integrity. Governed by our community.
W3:Ride is a fitness app for Cyclers. Earn $Cyclr for every ride you take. Use $Cyclr to redeem for exclusive digital rewards, gift card and bike merch.
W3:RideSimple Cardano
We explain all you need to know about blockchain and Cardano, simply.
Simple CardanoADA Anvil
Providing multiple service for web3 companies and those looking to integrated web3 into their project.
ADA AnvilThe Mallard Order
A secretive order of 6,500 unique duck NFTs, "hell-bent on dominating Cardano."
The Mallard OrderVeggie Mates
A collection of vegetable-based NFT characters with a focus on creating a healthy community. A 2nd collection, Junkies, is minted and a game is being developed.
Veggie MatesThe Ape Society
A collection of 7000 ape NFTs, with a highly active community and DAO that supports builders and evangelists in the ecosystem that push the community forward.
The Ape SocietyChilled Kongs
An NFT collection of Kongs on Cardano who are "experts in enjoying the good things in life"
Chilled KongsCSWAP DEX
A progressive DEX for the Cardano Ecosystem, merging next-generation DEX capabilities with NFTfi.
A multi-chain NFT drop calendar with a section dedicated to upcoming Cardano NFT drops.
NFT CalendarJam on Bread
A smart contract enabled NFT marketplace. 0% fee for NFT sales under 50ada and only verified collections are permitted.
Jam on BreadVilvi
A platform connecting musicians with fans and investors early in their career. Distributing both physical and exclusive digital (NFT) versions of their work.
A suite of NFT tools for both users and projects. Offering users tools to track, purchase and monitor NFTs, and projects a minting engine and Discord bot.
An art focused collective of NFT artists and collections, with a community DAO described as a "gamified investment group" for Cardano projects.
An NFT collection and community with a DAO and a connected, official marketplace, from which NFT stakers earn percentage of the profits
A play-to-stake metaverse game where staking rewards are distributed between player based on player performance in harnessing energy reserves.
MetadamsBoozy Apes
Season 1 Boozy Apes is a 1000 Pixel CNFT collection Art PFP which acts ALSO acts as an Art pass. Some fine art on these BOOZED up Apes!
Boozy ApesWorlds Within
A collection of 13,000 1 of 1 randomly created virtual reality-ready worlds, Worlds Within has towering mushrooms, pyramids, forests, and much more.
Worlds WithinIRONSKY
IRONSKY NFT game P2E build on Cardano | Spaceship battle and discovery galaxy gaming
IRONSKYKiller Club House
Killer Club House (KCH) is a multifaceted horror project that is delivering entertaining and frightening multimedia experiences through CNFTs to Cardano.
Killer Club HouseJesus 2
An NFT collection of 10 characters focused around a resurrected corpse, saving the human race from death. A medium to raise funds for a short, animated, film.
Jesus 2Jellycubes
A collection of NFTs created by the Block Investment Group. Owners get multiple benefits and the founder "Block" trades NFTs to earn ada for Jellycube holders.
A NFT marketplace marketed as an NFT hub. (Formerly FreeRoam)
FliprDapper Raptors
NFT Collections, each a run of 100 featuring one type of bird of prey.
Dapper RaptorsYoublob
Rapid prototyping made easy ...even for AI
A metaverse on Cardano with 5 geographically and architecturally distinct villages.
CardanoVillagePudgy Cat
In a world riddled with dogs, lobsters, apes, penguins and llamas, running among bulls and bears, Pudgy gives back the Cryptoverse to its lawful rulers: Cats.
Pudgy CatCardano Gold
A purported store of value on Cardano where 60% of the token's supply is "mined" by holding one of their NFTs.
Cardano GoldBoss Cat Rocket Club
A collection 9,999 algorithmically generated space-bound cats. Developing a metaverse where each owner has their own pixel, 3D representation on their cat.
Boss Cat Rocket ClubAdaverse
An NFT game in which players stake claims on planets. Gamification of 5 NFT series is under development with clanning and battling in its prospective future.
A protocol being built on Cardano Blockchain network to serve the real world needs to identify, verify and trade real estate globally
Add the CNFT/Bot to your NFT projects Discord server to provide data feed to channels of sales and listings, give users roles, and much more!
DeFiYield.App is The Biggest DeFi Cross-Chain Asset Management Dashboard, Supporting 25+ Blockchains and 250+ Protocols, including Cardano and its Biggest dApps
DeFiYield.AppDYOR Tool
A tool featuring report templates to help users do their own research on projects in Cardano. Users can also review reports created by others.
DYOR ToolcNFTcon
A Cardano NFT convention. The 2022 edition lasts 2 days, October 8-9, features over 120 exhibitors, and takes place in Las Vegas, USA.
A Web 3.0 community driven decentralized NFT Marketplace for Non-Fungible Tokens & NFT collectibles where users will be able to mint and trade NFTs.
WafiniCardans Club
Club with sweepstakes, prizes, utilities with bots and apps, exclusive content (videos and articles), profit and royalty sharing, member contests and much more.
Cardans ClubMERIT
A community stake pool with perks. We are censorship resistant and dedicated to Cardano's decentralization. Members earn MERIT tokens with or without delegating
Run by the developers of the AdaQuest game.
QUESTCardano Apes
Multiple ape and monkey based NFT collections, both 2D and 3D, usable in a unique metaverse.
Cardano ApesKnitties
A collection of unique knitted cats released in various drops, and with a game, Knittie Nook, under development.
A retro maze action game stored entirely on-chain. Play to mint your own NFT version.
Race against the clock to crack the egg to be able to mint a 3D penguin NFT.
Explore the map to find wild Adamons, battle them capture them, mint them, and then use them in battle against other users in multiplayer mode.
AdamonThe Seal Society Merch
A unique collection of CNFTs that are Redeemable for Merchandise. Featuring items by The Seal Society and our Partners.
The Seal Society MerchArgusNFT
ArgusNFT is driving adoption of Cardano NFTs by building innovative tools and market infrastructure.
ArgusNFTCavalier King Charles token
$Charly token is a meme coin on Cardano blockchain to honor Charles Hoskinson. Our goal is to build great and interesting kingdom on the best blockchain.
Cavalier King Charles tokenSnowPunkz
SnowPunkz a fun and interactive NFT on the Cardano blockchain. A unique community driven Cardano NFT project.
Dracards is a TCG (Trading Card Game) on Cardano network that features its own Metaverse.
DracardsNFT Sailing
A clean, elegant, and accessible NFT Calendar. Discover Cardano NFT drops now.
NFT SailingFracada V2: il Primo
A smart contract for locking up an NFT and tokenizing its ownership. Multiple NFTs can be added to the contract after its initial creation.
Fracada V2: il PrimoShitCoinzNFT
Unique meme themed pop art, a digital trophy celebrating our collective crypto journey.
ShitCoinzNFTADA Birds
7777 #ADABirds flying their way to #cardano | 7777 #CNFTs | Utility Based
ADA BirdsCardano Lands
Cardano Lands is a CNFT DeFi platform where users can stake NFTs from supported collections to earn passive income.
Cardano LandsMermADA Minting
A white-glove NFT Minting service offering a wide range of options from Vending Machine Sales to Token Faucet Sales run by TAILS pool Team
MermADA MintingPS Max Zaxster
𝘞𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴. 𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘺 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘕𝘍𝘛𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬.™
PS Max ZaxsterZiberBugs
ZiberBugs is a PvP focused, competitive autobattler created for gamers, aspiring to greatly increase the number of professional gamers in the world.
ZiberBugsFluid Tokens
A peer-to-peer lending protocol where borrowers set the terms and front their Cardano NFT as collateral for an ADA loan. Lender then choose which loan to fund.
Fluid TokensPix
A CLI capable of generating large NFT projects where each NFT has a different level of rarity.
PixLending Pond
A decentralized lending and borrowing platform where borrowers list Cardano NFTs as collateral for an ADA loan and lenders choose which loans they want to fund.
Lending PondHashGuardians
HashGuardians Universe is a 2D Action RPG built on the Cardano blockchain. Join us in the HashGuardians Universe for quests, mini-games and adventures!
Welcome to the new era of open world Metaverse on Cardano!
EikonikosMerkaba Token
A token created by a producer and vendor of hemp products with the aim of it being used as payment for their's and other products in their's and other stores.
Merkaba TokenThe Seal Society
A collection of 3,333 Utility PFPs that feature unique traits based on colony. Each Seal unlocks membership and benefits.
The Seal SocietyLandano
A land registration dApp providing proof-of-fact ownership through legally-binding title deeds registered on Cardano.
A smart-contract-based NFT drop platform designed to make NFT drops more efficient. Operating an NFT launchpad and developing an NFT marketplace.
RaretyCNFT Predator
CNFT Predator is a Chrome Extensions that allows you to get alerts for new listings below a certain price, rarity, or for specific traits.
CNFT PredatorFibo
An NFT marketplace aiming to connect social conscious artists, musicians, and brands with buyers and sellers.
A non-custodial, on-chain Bitcoin wrapping service for the Cardano and Ergo networks. Built on Ergo.
Cardalonia is a community driven, advanced, play-to-earn metaverse game on the cardano blockchain.
CardaloniaMad Dog Car Club
A NFT collection of mad dogs in mean cars.
ADA MINIONS is a CNFT project: Bots that went through a small character change after impact ☄️😵
Curating digital spaces and services to help connect people and foster communication and collaboration on ideas. Featuring a calendar of Cardano Twitter Spaces.
DigiRack is a Decentralised NFT Marketplace built on the Cardano Blockchain leveraging it’s benefit for a truly secure and scalable NFT Marketplace
A monthly subscription service that works to protect members of an NFT project’s Discord community from scammers.
A metaverse and game ecosystem.
Cardabbean is a virtual Caribbean style metaverse built on the Cardano blockchain where you can purchase your own private island in the Cardabbean Islands.
CardabbeanCardano Forms
Multiple series of NFT art inspired by really world art, artists, and artistic mediums. Aiming to “bring more art appreciators” to Cardano.
Cardano FormsprojectNEWM
A music ecosystem empowering musicians with a streaming platform and marketplace. Returning control and ownership for the rights and distribution of their work.
Adaberry Pi stake pool helps decentralize the Cardano blockchain while building the Adamint @ Pi Place and donating to environmental rehabilitation projects.
Building a decentralized sound library with a user owned platform.
CardanoSoundsVaca Ninja
The most bovine #CNFT #PlayToEarn project in town.
Vaca NinjaAdaMeds
AdaMeds is a collection of 10,000 different variants of medicines as 3D objects living in Cardano blockspace, viewable in augmented reality platforms.
We are Fat Matt Staking; a stake pool from west Texas. We educate and grow Cardano in our community, and are building a unique Charity Fund within our pool!
A collection of 999 1/1 hand drawn digital paintings. Holders benefit from discounts and upgrades for partnered hotels.
FrescosNFT Jam
A NFT marketplace offering smart contract and escrow sales, with smart contracts that process multiple assets in one transaction. Also allowing the sale of FTs.
NFT JamBully-Verse Woof World
A Meme Token of the Metaverse. Bully-Verse will power Virtual World's, Virtual Real Estate, NFT's, and Games.
Bully-Verse Woof Worldproject_end
A project thought and designed by the artist, without worrying about the development.
🖼️ cARTographic NFTs on Cardano. 🌎 artworks of every place you love.
TurfC64 Wallet
Browser Extension Wallet. Community-driven Wallet.
C64 WalletPocket Towne
A friendly oasis town where Pocketers can play games, socialize, and decorate their living space. Artist-centric with a focus on collaboration and NFT utility.
A memecoin with ideas of NFT collections, trading card games, and a metaverse game element should they receive enough backing. Also doing charity donations.
A collection of 11.111 unique NFTs living on the Cardano blockchain based around the animal the Addax.
Addax NFTWorld of Cardano
A fantasy based metaverse with four different Kingdoms.
World of CardanoPavia
A green and blue, earth-esque metaverse.
PaviaCNFT Jungle
A real-time, NFT database and rarity dashboard. Explore and refine NFT collections, discover rarity stats, and find NFTs for sale across multiple marketplaces.
CNFT JungleGamez on Chain
Developer of retro game NFTs that live fully on-chain. Play-to-mint NFTs.
Gamez on ChainUnbounded.Earth
A Cardano Metaverse project inspired by the history of the Cardano blockchain as well as the Community that has formed as a result.
An NFT collection building a game.
AdatropolisCarda Station
A metaverse on Cardano. Own land and attend events in this virtual world on the moon.
Carda StationCNFT.IO
An NFT marketplace where users can buy and sell NFTs at fixed prices. Also offering an escrow service for NFT auctions.
Created for Valentine's day 2022, this animated on-chain work is a love letter to the CNFT space in general, and on-chain art in particular.
Engage in the new era of Cardano. If you're passionate about crypto, travel, and everything in between, you have arrived at your destination.
AirportNFTNFT Fighters
A cross-project NFT Game and Gaming Ecosystem aiming to provide a shared platform where NFTs from different projects can interact with each other.
NFT FightersWeeblewibs CNFT
Collection of algorithmically assembled 3D characters with unique, handcrafted traits and colors adapted from water marbling,
Weeblewibs CNFTCardano Villa
Building multi-metaverse compatible NFT building.
Cardano VillaHavoc Worlds
An NFT collection of unique characters from different factions battling against the Seekers for their rightful place in the cosmos.
Havoc WorldsPHRCK
Multi-token rewards stake pool on secure and reliable tech infrastructure.
A community-driven NFT, manga & anime series on Cardano.
ADA NinjazADA Warriors
ADA Warriors is a Metaverse Project and a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). Adventure in the Fantasy World/Dark Realm.
ADA WarriorsCharlz Token
Charlz Token is a memecoin pioneering Memefi, the Trojan horse of Defi.
Charlz TokenJelly Bellies
Funky Humanimal Creatures exclusive to the Cardano Blockchain.
Jelly BelliesCryptoRaggies
A gamified NFT collection based on the rag doll breed of cat.
CryptoRaggiesRats DAO
A NFT buying DAO that purchases blue chip NFTs.
Rats DAONFT Update
A YouTube show interviewing NFT projects and live streaming a CNFT News Show every Friday to update viewers about the goings on in the Cardano NFT space.
NFT UpdateCNFT Awards
An annual awards ceremony for Cardano NFTs where nominees are submitted and voted for by the community.
CNFT AwardsDerp Birds
A gamified, hand-drawn, NFT collection of particularly derpy birds.
Derp BirdsQuickMint
An NFT and fungible token (FT) minting service.
QuickMintWorld of Pirates
A turn-based, strategy NFT game where players can influence the game's direction and have an impact on the game world's problems.
World of PiratesADA Shoppers Club
A NFT project of shopping themed, text based NFTs with Each NFT will have a range of random items.
ADA Shoppers ClubEx.plorer
Explore NFTs by asset and policy ID, and export or explore their metadata. View the assets held by a wallet and a stream of the most recently minted NFTs.
A blockchain-enabled fictional universe inspired in “near future space exploration“. A strategy, NFT game.
MechVerseCardano Species
A 3D Marine Species NFT collection, based on a wallet classification system created by the creator of the collection.
Cardano SpeciesSteve3p_0
Making art that means something.
An entertainment/meme experience, chiptune & pixel art cnft project.
Play to earn racing game built for the Cardano blockchain utilizing NFTs as raceable assets.
Bespoke digital art that strives to create longterm value on the Cardano and Ergo blockchains.
H.Y.P.E.Fractalz Rare Crystals
3D Generative NFTs with rewards for collectors and strategy mining/minting.
Fractalz Rare CrystalsNuFi
A non-custodial, crypto wealth management platform for PoS blockchains and digital assets.
A CNFT Drop calendar that lists CNFT drops on the Cardano blockchain. Explore the direct project links featuring countdowns for each drop.
Musical NFT that are algorithmically composed "music boxes".
MusicBoxAlonzo Graduation
A collection of 23 unique NFTs cataloguing the growth of the Cardano ecosystem around the Alonzo hardfork event.
Alonzo GraduationNanoChess
A 100% on-chain chess game built into an NFT collection.
A fractional NFT protocol, written in Plutus, that allows users to fractionalize Cardano NFTs using a smart contract.
Helping everyday people access the wealth building benefits of home ownership.
Discover NFT drops on the Cardano Blockchain.
DropCNFTGenesis House
An NFT marketplace offering fixed price NFT sales.
Genesis HousePlanetPalz
A play-to-earn, battle RPG game featuring equip-able NFT planets and multiple game modes.
PlanetPalzBears Club
A play-to-earn, “club simulation” NFT game where players create and customize their own clubs, and interact inside the game space.
Bears ClubCARdano4SPEED
A play-to-earn NFT game where NFT owners race their car against others to earn XP points and prizes. Cars can be customized and rented to other racers.
CARdano4SPEEDYummi Universe
An ecosystem of NFT creatures, cards, and other collectibles; following the model of Pokémon and Digimon.
A smart contract based marketplace for Cardano NFT collections where NFTs are organized by collection.
jpg.storeCNFT World
A calendar of NFT drops and a selection of interviews with selected NFT creators and project teams.
CNFT WorldCardahub
A shared liquidity, NFT market smart contract which is used by multiple websites to provide the users the best possible experience.
A trading card game where NFT cards, of varying rarity, are periodically released in “Sets” with a game under development
CardanoMonstersClay Mates
Clay collectible, stop-motion NFTs. Handmade, algorithmically assembled characters. Creating a metaverse called Clay Nation
Clay MatesCardano Kidz
Topical and comical NFT illustrations featuring people, moments, and objects in Cardano and the wider crypto space. The first commercially produced Cardano NFTs
Cardano KidzCardano Idols
Illustrations featuring the people who are well known throughout the Cardanoverse.
Cardano IdolsCryptoPetz
CryptoPetz is an Axie Infinity and Pokemon inspired, community driven, tournament style RPG game.
A AMM based DEX also featuring a launchpad, an NFT marketplace, and “stake and forget” liquidity pools featuring unique rewards.
A delicious haven for Cardano cats, DessertCatNFT is an animated, pixel art project designed with cats and desserts in mind.
A lightweight and simple PWA that allow users to anonymously mint NFTs on the Cardano blockchain from any device.
Helping community pools provide delegator with NFT based rewards for staking each epoch.
poolperks.ioMasked On Buttons
Digitally hand-drawn, button-eyed, colored characters, wearing facemasks. Every MOB collection forms part of a community-driven MOB lore narrative.
Masked On ButtonsBrownNFT
Pixel artist and creator of several NFT art collections on the Cardano blockchain. These include Adalotls, Lucky Neko, Dead Astronaut Crew and more.
The classic 10K collection of Punks now on Cardano with a charity twist.
Floating minimalistic islands in the tranquil sky. All generated with random attributes such as mountains, waterfalls, campfires, etc. Nature in your ADA wallet
An address routing service allowing users to own human readable addresses for their Cardano wallets; simplifying the sending and receiving of ADA.
$handleunsigned_algorithms (unsigs)
Algorithmic art. Mathematically designing and generating art extractable from the blockchain, not metadata linked out to a location where the NFT is stored.
unsigned_algorithms (unsigs)OpenCNFT
Ranking Cardano NFT projects by sales volume, floor price, and quantity of NFTs sold. Metrics are available over various time periods. 3k projects and counting.
Designed specifically for the Cardano blockchain, these trading cards showcase community-run stake pools and can be used in the Fantasy Staking NFT game.
Pixel art NFTs of influential figures from blockchain and crypto. A game is under development where the NFTs are playable characters, each having special powers
Digital sneakers in NFT form. There will be 5000 Cypherkicks in total, dropped in 12 ’seasons’, and no two Cypherkicks are the same.
A play-to-earn, learn-to-earn, and build-to-earn MMORPG located in the ever expanding metaverse of 'The Island', featuring: themed zones, mini games, and NFTs.
Explore NFT collections by rarity, price, and serial #. Users can also refine their search using traits unique to a collection and find their perfect NFT.
An NFT project from "out of this world". ADA-Monsterz have arrived in this universe and each one needs an ADA wallet to call home.
Ada-MonsterzCardano Beans
A collection of 10,000 individually unique, static NFTs where each is a bean -food not coffee- characters.
Cardano BeansPolitikoz
10,000 unique, pixel-art NFTs of "political figures" generated through a mix of art pieces and computer algorithms.
PolitikozStellarHood NFT
6505 interactive, on-chain NFTs based on real astronomical data, featuring the 99 closest celestial bodies to earth and all the known exoplanets in our galaxy.
StellarHood NFTThe Galgos
A collection of hand drawn, non-randomized, and functional digital collectibles themed around the galgo fused with character from pop culture or real people.
The GalgosCanuckz NFTs
A collection of 10,000 Canadian themed NFTs created to celebrate Canada Day in 2021!
Canuckz NFTsCryptoDino
A cataclysmic event has caused the Dino's to leave their world in search for a new one. Collect all the CryptoDino's and play with them to earn rewards!
On the Ada discworld four races battle with each other, using NFT trading cards, to be the first to put together the Goguen Stone and become the ruler of Ada.
AdaQuestDrunken Dragon: Inns and Quests
Own and managed your inn or tavern and host characters who sit, drink, merry-make, and wait in anticipation for the offer of quests.
Drunken Dragon: Inns and QuestsCardinos
3 different seasons of Cardano dinosaurs: Cardinos, Skydinos, and Seadinos.
CardinosLow Poly Project
NFT art collections with an extra dimension of augmented reality.
Low Poly ProjectEmpowa
Decentralized, green property development platform targeting the African market. Harnessing the power of global community to empower people on the ground.
EmpowaCardano Token Registry
A repository facilitating the registration of off-chain token metadata to map it to on-chain identifiers for Cardano native tokens.
Cardano Token RegistryNFT-DAO
Building an open-source suite of NFT standards, tools, and dApps on Cardano. As well as a cross-chain bridge between Cardano and Avalanche.
A list of upcoming Cardano NFT drops that can be viewed in calendar format. Also featuring a NFT project explorer.
CNFT CalendarWen CNFT
A list of ongoing and upcoming NFT drops. Featuring a list of past drops and information on how to buy, view, mint, sell, and avoid fake/duplicate NFTs.
Wen CNFTThe Hoskinsons
An NFT parody art exhibition, colliding late 20th century pop culture with the Cardano platform. 10,000 were minted.
The HoskinsonsMycelial
An NFT sales platform and digital exhibition gallery for gamified NFT collections supporting scientific mycological research.
MycelialWizard Crypt
A browser-based, exploration-focused, party-building RPG. The first NFT drop for the game consists of 15,555 CSS animated spells for the game.
Wizard CryptCardano Space
A grid, 100x100, with each cell represented by an NFT. The NFT owner can change their cell as they wish and add certain attributes.
Cardano SpaceCardano Warriors
Set on the islands of Cardânia, the splintered remain's of a chaos containing, meteor struck planet, Cardano Warriors is an old-school, in-browser RPG.
Cardano WarriorsAda Dolls
An NFT collection inspired by collectible vinyl art toys and a love of graffiti. Releasing collaboration collections with other NFT artists on Cardano.
Ada DollsPunkster Art
10,000 unique portraits using every single CryptoPunk as a model and the techniques from 10,000 painting from all kinds of artists.
Punkster ArtCardanoTrees
On-chain evolution art. Nature based NFTs that go through the seasons like their real life inspiration.
Two seasons of Marijuana themed avatars that can be used in an on-chain Grow Your Own Adventure game to earn the platform's native token.
An early Cardano NFT project featuring 10,000 unique, pixel art NFTs.
CardanoBitsGenius Yield
A non-custodial, CLMM DEX and smart liquidity manager that can optimize yields across multiple exchanges.
Genius YieldAada
A decentralized, non-custodial crypto asset lending platform offering both over-collateralized and under-collateralized loan, and an ERC-20 converter.
Human readable Cardano addresses that associate with the owner's wallet and a searchable web address displaying custom data. Simplifying the sending of assets.
A cross-chain, collateralized loan platform aiming to help users unlock the liquidity locked in a wide variety of digital assets.
ParibusBeyond Rockets City
Beyond Rockets City is an ecosystem of NFTs existing on top of the Cardano blockchain.
Beyond Rockets CityCardano Tales
A role-playing game, RPG, played in a web browser and set in a labyrinth of caves, The Dark BlockCave Maze, underneath the Free Kingdom.
Cardano TalesTheos
A decentralized, NFT based economy utilizing the intrinsic properties of NFTs to provide instant valuations and transform them into instant liquidity.
A collectible trading card game of fungible tokens, FTs, and non fungible tokens, NFTs, sold in digital packs in the same way physical trading cards are.
jetchickenKaizen Crypto
A Youtube content creator providing educational content on a multitude of topics that span the vast Cardano ecosystem.
Kaizen CryptoUpdephye
Giving NFTs a home by creating digital galleries where you can show off your NFT collections. Also merging NFTs with the real and digital worlds.
UpdephyeCNFT Hub
A hub for Cardano NFT news with a own minting engine for creators. They also list multiple different resources for NFTs on Cardano and other Cardano resources.
CNFT HubCardacity
A trading card puzzle game where the cards (NFTs) represent real world cities. These can be collected, traded, and used to complete puzzles to earn rarer cards.
A game set on the Archipelago Adalantica, where all the animals (NFTs) have escaped from the zoo on Byron Isle.
Real-time data visualization of block reward distribution, stake movements, and overall staking statistics. Data is available back to Epoch 208.
Pool.pmCaja de Agua
A Afro-Venezuelan music project, who's music is inspired by Venezuelan and world percussion, launching their music as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.
Caja de AguaDEADPXLZ
A collection of 10,000 unique, code-generated, and interactive NFTs. The website features a marketplace for purchase and selling the collections.
A built-in, gamer reward system where players are rewarded in PlayerMint’s native token for their accomplishments in participating games.
PlayerMintCozy Space CNFT
A animated, pixel-art NFT project with each series designed to make the "Cardano blockchain a much cozier space".
Cozy Space CNFTBlockchaingames
Creating mobile games on top of Cardano with in-game NFTs.
If you’re looking for a Cardano NFT then you’ve found the place for you! listed here are all the projects that feature NFTs in some form on Cardano. NFTs are no longer just the PFP collections that made them famous, although many do still exists and you can find Cardano NFT projects here, NFTs are assets with multiple different types of utility, depending on which project’s NFTs your buying.
A Cardano NFT is a native asset on Cardano which means that, unlike on other (specifically EVM-based) chains, an NFT is not managed by a smart contract, meaning that it behaves and is managed differently to the chain’s base asset, ada. On Cardano NFTs behave the same as the chains base asset as they are native to the chain.
On this page you’ll find everything from Cardano NFT projects to DeFi projects and decentralized identity (DID) solutions that have incorporated NFTs, to the Cardano NFT marketplaces you can use to purchase NFTs.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I buy NFTs with ada on Cardano?
Yes you can buy NFTs on Cardano with ada. Some NFT marketplaces are also integrating card payments to allow you to pay with your fiat holdings too. If you're looking to buy Cardano NFTs check out our page exclusively for Cardano NFT marketplaces.