
A decentralized, NFT based economy utilizing the intrinsic properties of NFTs to provide instant valuations and transform them into instant liquidity.

There are what can be deemed quite standard NFT services available through the THEOS platform and these are NFT minting and auctioning. What makes the THEOS platform stand out is how users can unlock the value of an NFT without selling the NFT outright. This is done by locking the NFT up in one of many smart contract pools, themselves containing multiple NFTs, prescribing it a certain value, and immediately receiving tokens equal to the value of their NFT.

Some of the functionalities on THEOS, such as NFT pools, are only available for verified users. To become verified users must complete KYC -through a third party as THEOS is decentralized-, stake the platforms native tokens, Theos, finally they need to be “vouched for” by an already verified user. Verified users are also the only ones allowed to take part in community voting and can also participate in staking and receiving mining rewards on the platform.  

NFT Minting

Available to both verified and unverified users NFTs can be minted through THEOS’s NFT minting service and either taken off, or auctioned through, the platform. NFTs can also be minted collaboratively i.e. associated with more than one address.

There is the optional feature to build royalty rewards into an NFT, meaning that every time the NFT is transferred between accounts the original creator is automatically sent a predetermined royalty component in the transaction.

NFT Auctioning

The auctioneer of an NFT can choose to do so in four different ways:

Sealed Bid Auction: Users submit sealed bids, and, when the auction closes, bids are opened and the highest bid wins and the winner pays the price they bid.

Vickrey Auction: Users submit sealed bids, and, when the auction closes, bids are opened and the highest bid wins but the winner pays the amount of the second highest bid.

English Auction: A price minimum, a.k.a a reserve, and a time limit are set for the auction and bidding starts low with bid amounts increasing until time runs out. The winning bid is the highest bid at the time of close.

Dutch Auction: A price minimum, a.k.a reserve, and time limit are set for the auction and the bid amount starts high and decreases until someone bids and is therefore the winner. They then pay the price they bid.

Auctions can be held by both verified and unverified users and however only verified users can participate in auctions set up by verified users. These verified auctions also allow for liquidity mining rewards; which are split 50/50 between the auction organizer and bidders.  


To use the pool system a user must be verified. The pools on THEOS are how users unlock the value of their NFTs, be them older or newly minted. These pools are managed by smart contracts and there are two types of pools: ODYSSEY and DELPHI.

ODYSSEY: In ODYSSEY pools NFTs are securitized, meaning that users deposit NFT in an ODYSSEY pool and receive the token of that particular pool equal to the value of their NFT. These can be transacted on the open market and are the unlocked liquidity of the NFTs in the pool. During the time the NFT is held in the pool the user also receives liquidity mining rewards from the THEOS protocol.

Whoever creates the pool defines the amount of tokens received for a deposited NFT. The user who deposits the NFT gives it a token valuation higher than the amount of tokens they were given for it.  Another user can deposit this higher amount of tokens and remove that NFT from the pool, becoming its owner, and anything above the original value is given to the original NFT owner and the rest are burnt. If an NFT owner wants to withdraw their own NFT all they need to do is deposit the same quantity of tokens they received when depositing their NFT.

DELPHI: DELPHI tools can be considered the reverse of ODYSSEY pools. “Bags” of unique tokens are created and associated with a unique NFT. These tokens can only be retrieved by depositing the associated NFT. These tokens can then be used at the owner’s discretion.

Theos Tokens and Governance

Theos is the platform's native token and is what rewards are paid out in. Staking these tokens provide users with benefits, with more benefits received for staking more tokens. Token staking is required to obtain verified status, and users staking enough Theos can have their ODYSSEY pool fees reduced. Stakers earn rewards when pools are created and when NFTs are added and removed from pools.

To access high profile auctions users are required to be verified and also need to stake larger amounts of Theos. When a user un-stakes they are charged a fee, which is distributed amongst the remaining stakers. Stakers also gain access to the governance layer where 1 token equals 1 vote, with a total cap of votes per user.

THEOS is currently operating on Polygon and Ethereum and has plans to integrate with Cardano in the near future. The minting platform and ODYSSEY pools are live on Polygon and liquidity mining is live on Ethereum. Cardano launches are yet to be finalized.

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