NFT Marketplace
A smart contract based marketplace for Cardano NFT collections where NFTs are organized by collection.
jpg.storePergamon Agora
On-Chain CNFT auctions.
Pergamon AgoraRarety
A smart-contract-based NFT drop platform designed to make NFT drops more efficient. Operating an NFT launchpad and developing an NFT marketplace.
An NFT marketplace where users can buy and sell NFTs at fixed prices. Also offering an escrow service for NFT auctions.
DigiRack is a Decentralised NFT Marketplace built on the Cardano Blockchain leveraging it’s benefit for a truly secure and scalable NFT Marketplace
An NFT marketplace featuring the work of over 100 community curated artists. Also offering highly customizable NFT and FT minting service.
TokhunGenesis House
An NFT marketplace offering fixed price NFT sales.
Genesis HouseArtano
A community-driven NFT marketplace and minting service, focusing on global inclusion and aiming for quality over quantity with NFT creation and sale.
An NFT marketplace aiming to connect social conscious artists, musicians, and brands with buyers and sellers.
FiboNFT Jam
A NFT marketplace offering smart contract and escrow sales, with smart contracts that process multiple assets in one transaction. Also allowing the sale of FTs.
NFT JamCardahub
A shared liquidity, NFT market smart contract which is used by multiple websites to provide the users the best possible experience.
A NFT marketplace, with a focus on sustainability, aiming to create a creative community.
RAFFLEIZE C-A-R-D-A-N-A is tailored for facilitating creation, management of, and participation in online raffles.
RaffleizeThe village of jugglers
Discord community
The village of jugglersTheADA
TheADA is a Decentralized and Scalable NFT Staking Protocol.
By removing the middleman, Fraction Estate makes it easier and cheaper for investors to buy and sell fractional real estate
Fraction.EstateEpoch Art
AN NFT marketplace supporting bundles and having a requirement to go through the team to list a project.
Epoch ArtThe Art Suite
NFT marketplace for artists and art - everything from animation, to film, to music, to paintings - donating at least 5% of each sale to social impact projects.
The Art SuiteJam on Bread
A smart contract enabled NFT marketplace. 0% fee for NFT sales under 50ada and only verified collections are permitted.
Jam on BreadFlipr
A NFT marketplace marketed as an NFT hub. (Formerly FreeRoam)
A Web 3.0 community driven decentralized NFT Marketplace for Non-Fungible Tokens & NFT collectibles where users will be able to mint and trade NFTs.
Built on Cardano
An organizational system designed to help foster discovery in, and exploration of, the Cardano ecosystem.
Built on CardanoCardano Updates
A Github commits tracker for all Cardano blockchain development. With daily reports and a 7 day aggregator to track the progress of Cardano's development.
Cardano UpdatesBuilding On Cardano
A website aggregating project building on Cardano. Featuring an interactive ecosystem map and a token list of all the tokens from listed projects.
Building On CardanoTADATEK insights
Provide up-to-date comprehensive informations on the Cardano network in vietnamese
TADATEK insightsADAtainment
Entertaining and informative content, videos and text, describing the various elements of the Cardano-verse in language designed for newcomers.
ADAtainmentEssential Cardano
The open-sourced list of project building on Cardano, along with official and community generated resources. Managed by IOHK.
Essential CardanoCardano Feed
A news aggregator covering every facet of Cardano and ADA news. Read the latest news updates, drawn only from reliable sources.
Cardano FeedCardano Link
Cardano Link was born with the idea of helping users of Cardano community, including pool tools, social channels, and more!
Cardano LinkCardanoCube
An ecosystem aggregator listing the projects building on Cardano.
Decentralized Oracle Feeds for Cardano. Validating real-world data from multiple sources with full audit logs to deliver authentic & accurate data.
OrcfaxDCOne Crypto
DCOne Crypto - Explore projects on the Cardano Blockchain and provide API, SDK,Payment for users to access Cardano blockchain more easily
DCOne CryptoDCOne Crypto
DCOne Crypto - Explore projects on the Cardano Blockchain and provide API, SDK,Payment for users to access Cardano blockchain more easily
DCOne CryptoCardano Journal
An content aggregator in the Cardano ecosystem.
Cardano JournalDeFiYield.App
DeFiYield.App is The Biggest DeFi Cross-Chain Asset Management Dashboard, Supporting 25+ Blockchains and 250+ Protocols, including Cardano and its Biggest dApps
Website for insights in to decentralized apps on Cardano blockchain.
Cardano information, social, and media content aggregator, featuring blockchain and ADA data points with links to explorers and other resources.
Blockchain Explorer
A toolkit featuring a tool for every level of Cardano user; from an ADA currency converter, to a block explorer, to a developer’s playground.
ADATools.ioCardano Blockchain Insights
Easy to digest visualizations of a huge variety of data points from the Cardano blockchain and Cardano ecosystem over various time periods.
Cardano Blockchain InsightsCardano Assets
A searchable database of all Cardano Assets, both FTs and NFTs, ranking tokens by multiple data points and offering insights into each token.
Cardano AssetsCardanoscan
A Cardano blockchain explorer with a host of features and blockchain analytics tools. Statistics for the Cardano blockchain, and ADA, are shown on the home page
CardanoscanNative Tokens Dashboard
A list of all Cardano native tokens and transactions involving them along with minting and burning statistic, in both daily and monthly graphs, for the network.
Native Tokens DashboardCardano Blockchain Intelligence
An overview of blockchain and stake pool data points, also offering the user the opportunity to explore the metadata on Cardano.
Cardano Blockchain IntelligenceAdaStat
Statistics for stake pool operators and ada holders.
Real-time data visualization of block reward distribution, stake movements, and overall staking statistics. Data is available back to Epoch 208.
Pool.pmRaw Cardano Explorer
Raw Cardano Explorer is a simple and fast app to search the Cardano Blockchain data.
Raw Cardano ExplorerCardano Explorer
An IOG supported block explorer allowing the user to search for and browse epochs, blocks, addresses, and transactions.
The portfolio Manager and Tracker on Cardano Ecossystem
An intuitive (and pleasantly soothing) visualization of the contents of each block on the Cardano blockchain along with data points for that block.
eUTxO.orgMilkomeda C1 Explorer
The block and transaction explorer for the EVM-based Milkomeda C1 sidechain.
Milkomeda C1
A feature rich block and transaction explorer for the Cardano blockchain, featuring a unique Richlist tool. (formerly
ADA Pools
An independent tool containing a wealth of blockchain metrics and explorers, with a focus around stake pools.
ADA PoolsStakeboard
A social marketplace for the new economy that reDeFines the staking experience by connecting stakeholders in the Cardano network.
Search and compare stake pools by ticker symbol. View current, annual, and 30 day statistics side-by-side, and calculate potential rewards from previous epochs.
CardaStatCardano Stake Pool Explorer
Cardano Stake Pool Explorer, check the best Pool for Staking with Ada. Ada Stake Pool Explorer.
Cardano Stake Pool ExplorerAdafolio
Curate portfolios of pools and use them to spread stake across multiple stake pools. This functionality will soon be available on Cardano.
Helping community pools provide delegator with NFT based rewards for staking each epoch.
Simplifying Stake, Supporting Decentralisation! Make A Basket, Pick A Pool Group, The DAO Does The Rest!
StakingDAOCardano Advisor Bot
Helping everyone to find the best pools for their delegation according to data gathered from their Twitter timeline, taking into account pool performance too.
Cardano Advisor BotPoolTool
PoolTool offers up realtime and historical stats on block production, staking rewards, and the health of the Cardano network.
PoolToolDelegation Tracker
View individual stake pool statistics for every pool supporting the Cardano network, and compare multiple (or all) pools in a spreadsheet format.
Searchable and limitable stake pools data points, viewable in both table and heat map formats.
poolstats.orgPool Peek
A stake pool explorer with a focus on encouraging the discovery of smaller pools through randomized results. Featuring a staking calculator and reward tracker.
Pool PeekThe Art Bank
The Art Bank is a web3 incubator that supports and invests in the arts, platforms, and creators leading the digital renaissance.
The Art Bank
NFT Explorer
Explore NFTs by asset and policy ID, and export or explore their metadata. View the assets held by a wallet and a stream of the most recently minted NFTs.
An NFT and fungible token minting tool, served up alongside a token explorer and a live, visual, feed of the all the tokens minted in each block.
MinterrCNFT Jungle
A real-time, NFT database and rarity dashboard. Explore and refine NFT collections, discover rarity stats, and find NFTs for sale across multiple marketplaces.
CNFT JungleCNFT Predator
CNFT Predator is a Chrome Extensions that allows you to get alerts for new listings below a certain price, rarity, or for specific traits.
CNFT PredatorOpenCNFT
Ranking Cardano NFT projects by sales volume, floor price, and quantity of NFTs sold. Metrics are available over various time periods. 3k projects and counting.
ArgusNFT is driving adoption of Cardano NFTs by building innovative tools and market infrastructure.
Explore NFT collections by rarity, price, and serial #. Users can also refine their search using traits unique to a collection and find their perfect NFT.
A hub for Cardano NFT news with a own minting engine for creators. They also list multiple different resources for NFTs on Cardano and other Cardano resources.
CNFT HubHandle.Tools
Check if an ADA handle is available, currently listed for sale on a marketplace or has been minted. Search & filter listings and sales activity.
Cataloging all the on-chain NFTs released on Cardano.
A native token and NFT explorer on Cardano. Live Prices, Charts and Metadata
A suite of NFT tools for both users and projects. Offering users tools to track, purchase and monitor NFTs, and projects a minting engine and Discord bot.
A list of ongoing and upcoming NFT drops. Featuring a list of past drops and information on how to buy, view, mint, sell, and avoid fake/duplicate NFTs.
Discover NFT drops on the Cardano Blockchain.
DropCNFTNFT Sailing
A clean, elegant, and accessible NFT Calendar. Discover Cardano NFT drops now.
NFT SailingCNFT World
A calendar of NFT drops and a selection of interviews with selected NFT creators and project teams.
CNFT WorldCardano Countdown Tool
Counting down the time left in Cardano's current epoch, providing the start and end times of the current epoch in the browser's local time.
Cardano Countdown ToolCNFT Calendar
A list of upcoming Cardano NFT drops that can be viewed in calendar format. Also featuring a NFT project explorer.
CNFT CalendarCardano Epoch Calendar
A calendar where the start of each epoch is clearly marked and stamped with its UTC start time and which epoch's rewards are distributed on that day.
Cardano Epoch CalendarnextCNFT
A CNFT Drop calendar that lists CNFT drops on the Cardano blockchain. Explore the direct project links featuring countdowns for each drop.
nextCNFTNFT Calendar
A multi-chain NFT drop calendar with a section dedicated to upcoming Cardano NFT drops.
Helping users of Cardano to find latest Cardano Initial Stake Offering (ISPO) projects.
A free Android app for monitoring the state of Cardano, viewing the contents of any wallet, and all the statistics you could want associated with it.
Machada helps you monitor your Cardano wallet and automate flows based on it.
A wallet alerts bot for Discord. Get notifications about incoming wallet activity for up to 3 different Cardano wallets.
WalletBudNio App
The first Mobile App tracking DeFi investment on Cardano
Nio AppNio App
The first Mobile App tracking DeFi investment on Cardano
Nio AppApeWatch
Monitor the total value of the holdings of any Cardano wallet.
ApeWatchMercury Chat
A wallet-to-wallet messaging system for Cardano that can be integrated into dApps.
Mercury ChatAtrium Lab
A data and feature rich wallet management app that acts like your Cardano wallet and offers incentives for certain actions and encourages a fairer experience.
Atrium Lab
NFT Minting
Cardano Tools
A NFT minting, burning, registering, and viewing platform aiming to make NFTs more accessible.
Cardano ToolsNFT-MACHINE
A lightweight and simple PWA that allow users to anonymously mint NFTs on the Cardano blockchain from any device.
Building a decentralized sound library with a user owned platform.
CardanoSoundsDigital Gold Series Two Mining Permit
Digital Gold Ecosystem BLOCKCHAIN SUPERHEROS CNFT Collection Minting July 27tH 2024 for 55 ADA per NFT
Digital Gold Series Two Mining PermitHydragames
HYDRAGAMES next phase is now on the move, converging Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Crypto Game, which is a groundbreaking fusion of two dynamic and transfor
HydragamesCardano Studio
Create and mint NFTs on Cardano all in your browser for a very small fee - without trusting a third party for minting.
Cardano StudioNFT Gift Cards
Customize NFT Gift Cards on the Cardano Blockchain
NFT Gift Cards
Defense System
An individual using a proprietary rating system to rank and score DeFi projects on Cardano.
CRCICardano Phishing Bot
A twitter account tracking and posting about giveaway scams on Cardano.
Cardano Phishing BotStateofCardano
A Twitter bot posting the state of decentralization (Nakamoto Coefficient) of the Cardano network, and the share of stake, every epoch. Under construction.
Completing risk analysis of the token distribution of Cardano projects. Also the creators of a "wallet watcher" alert system monitoring the movement of token
XerberusDYOR Tool
A tool featuring report templates to help users do their own research on projects in Cardano. Users can also review reports created by others.
See a summary of assets, liquidity, loans, art and property for multiple wallets in a single page flow. One for the bookmarks to track DeFi / ReFi progress.
Realfi.infoCardano Gainz Calculator
An ADA staking calculator displaying yearly and monthly rewards for a staking amount, in ADA and USD, at the current market rate with an epoch payday countdown.
Cardano Gainz CalculatorThe Adalator
A tool for calculating the prospective value of ADA holdings with multiple, adjustable variables to make calculations as accurate as possible.
The AdalatorADA Staking Calculator
Project the future valve of your ADA holdings. Edit multiple metics: timespan, price, investment, and more; to receive live outputs of projected future value.
ADA Staking Calculator
Project Catalyst
The Catalyst School
A platform providing informative and educational materials for all participants of Project Catalyst. Showing them how to optimize their Catalyst experience.
The Catalyst
Sponsors of the Catalyst network and researchers in the collective intelligence and distributed governance space.
adagov.orgLido Nation
A platform for Cardano education, featuring community contributed content, project reviews, and a explorer of Project Catalyst proposals from all funding rounds
Lido NationCardano Catalyst Community Site
An informative website that provides easily navigable documentation for Project Catalyst. A fantastic resource for those new to Project Catalyst!
Cardano Catalyst Community Site
Pet Registry
A blockchain alternative to microchipping pets that is cheaper and much easier to update. Geo-location pings are sent to owners when a pet's QR code is scanned.
Pet RegistryIdentityToken
IdentityToken is an idea, the idea of owning your identity and bringing it with you. Eliminating the need for custodians managing your identity.