A free Android app for monitoring the state of Cardano, viewing the contents of any wallet, and all the statistics you could want associated with it.

ADAM, Standing for ADA Monitor, is a feature rich and information rich mobile app (only available for Android) with a clean and easy read interface that provides the user with a wealth of information about the Cardano network and their own personal holdings on the Cardano network. Stats on the front page of the app include:

  • ADA price (in a currency of your choice)
  • ADA market cap
  • 24hr trade volume
  • Network fee
  • Amount of stake that epoch
  • The current epoch and a countdown to the next epoch

There is also an optional candle chart, with multiple ranges to choose from, and users can add a wallet to this screen, where their ADA amount is shown along with its value in the user’s chosen currency.

Users can add up to 3 accounts to an accounts screen and can pay a little bit extra to be able to add up to 8 additional accounts.


Adding wallets is as simple as scanning a QR code or inputting a $handle (you can also input a wallet address if you wish or need to).

If a user doesn’t not want to input a wallet address (which does not expose you wallet more than the public blockchain does) they can enter an ADA amount to monitor instead.

The wallet part of the screen has three different buttons: staking, tokens, and security.


The staking section of the app shows a user:

  • Their unclaimed stake
  • Which pool they are staked to
  • The current epoch
  • The amount of blocks scheduled for that pool that epoch
  • The pool’s margin
  • The pool’s saturation level

Clicking on the rewards provides the user with a breakdown of their rewards each epoch, and clicking on the pool provides much greater insight into the pool they are staked to. The user can also navigate to the pool’s home page.


Users can view their fungible token holdings as well as their NFTs on their mobile device and navigate to it on This section of the app contains token counts along with all the metadata of the user’s NFTs as well as links to each token’s Policy ID and Asset ID on

Users can view their NFT art on their mobile device.


A security button allows users to hid their holdings in the app using the biometrics they use to unlock their device. Their biometrics are then used to reveal their tokens when they want to see them.

Other Feature

Other Features of the ADAM Android app include:

  • An exchange viewer (convert any ADA amount into the most popular cryptocurrencies)
  • A marketplace viewer (view a feed of tokens pairs on MuesliSwap complete with ADA price and trade volume)
  • A $handle viewer (type in a handle to view its holdings)
  • A pool picker (showing users random pools and their statistics)
  • Retiring stake pools (a list of stake pools retiring this epoch)
  • Pool delegations (all the pools that the selected wallet has delegated and when)

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