Open Source
Coin Wallet
A self-custodial wallet for sending, receiving, and exchange of ADA and 20+ cryptos. Open-source and private since 2015. Available on Web, Android, iOS, Windows
Coin WalletGem Wallet
Gem Wallet is an open-source and self-custodial crypto wallet that lets you send, receive, swap, use dApps, buy, and stake cryptocurrencies
Gem WalletOrcfax
Decentralized Oracle Feeds for Cardano. Validating real-world data from multiple sources with full audit logs to deliver authentic & accurate data.
Open-source decentralized forum. Uncensored, anonymous and secure.
Go implementation of the Cardano Ouroboros protocol
gOuroborosBlink Labs
Open source and custom blockchain solutions for Cardano
Blink LabscBilling
Accept crypto payments, grow your business With our safe and easy-to-use crypto payment gateway, we enable your business to accept crypto payments and quickly
eLearningDAO is a DAO focused on decentralised e-Learning. It supports and coordinates the development of a new open-source decentralised e-Learning platform.
eLearningDAOCardano Starter Kit
Cardano Starter Kit is a Next.js project for building cardano web3 applications with TypeScript, use-cardano, and Lucid.
Cardano Starter Kituse-cardano
use-cardano is a react context, hook, and set of components that makes interacting with the Cardano blockchain easy.
Combining both CLMM and order book styles into a DEX that operates across both the Ergo and Cardano blockchains.
#OpenSource tools and infrastructure for #Cardano blockchain developers. We focus on integrating on-chain data with off-chain infrastructure.
An opinionated Cardano stake pool management software. Designed to offer the most operator friendly way to run a stake pool on Cardano.
JorManagerDYOR Tool
A tool featuring report templates to help users do their own research on projects in Cardano. Users can also review reports created by others.
DYOR ToolSummon Platform
A comprehensive solution for intuitive DAO creation, on-chain voting, governance & treasury management, access to DeFi utilities and more.
Summon PlatformVrooli
A decentralized, collaborative automation platform to minimize the time between the inception of an idea and its development into a fully-functional product.
Builders of open source developer tools for Cardano and engineers who can be hired to integrate Cardano solutions into other projects.
A credit card sized wallet for cold storage of crypto currencies. ADA and your Cardano tokens.
A hardware wallet for storing multiple cryptocurrencies, including your ADA and Cardano tokens, in cold storage.
TrezorFracada V2: il Primo
A smart contract for locking up an NFT and tokenizing its ownership. Multiple NFTs can be added to the contract after its initial creation.
Fracada V2: il Primopolil
A non-siloed, lifelong learning journey without vendor lock-in
The core component for running a Cardano node.
Cardano-nodeCardano DB-Sync
A core component of Cardano. Storing and organizing the blockchain data into a PostgreSQL database.
Cardano DB-SyncCarp
A customizable, modular indexer for Cardano saving its data to a Postgres database SQL.
CarpRay Network
Developers of an open sourced DeFi ecosystem, tools for developers, and user tools on the Cardano blockchain.
Ray NetworkRayWallet
A light-wallet created by Ray Network with access to their suite of DeFi (when launched) inside the web wallet interface itself.
A Javascript implementation of the Cardano wallet library.
A CLI capable of generating large NFT projects where each NFT has a different level of rarity.
PixBynet Wallet
A non-custodial, open sourced, DeFi focused wallet for both Android and iOS, with plans to integrate a DEX and to operate across multiple chains.
Bynet WalletSnapbrillia
Bring GitCoin to Cardano with quadratic fund matching to amplify trust and opportunities to build the future of open-source Cardano with Mentor-mentee bounties.
A non-custodial, on-chain Bitcoin wrapping service for the Cardano and Ergo networks. Built on Ergo.
A lightweight, configurable, chain-index for Cardano. Creating lookup tables for transaction outputs for patterns matching addresses.
KupoThe Alexandria Project
An open-source community project working to revolutionize publication, education, archives, and content distribution via web3 libraries on Cardano.
The Alexandria ProjectDjed
An algorithmic, crypto-backed stablecoin, run by a smart contract that acts like an autonomous bank. Developed by IOG and Emurgo and issued by COTI.
Building a decentralized sound library with a user owned platform.
CardanoSoundsAedou - Realm of Languages
A collaborative, multiplayer game for learning languages together like you would travel to an L1-country with constant support and adapting complexity.
Aedou - Realm of LanguagesCardanoBI
A fully open-source Business Intelligence API layer to provide on-chain analytics and enable new data-driven services on Cardano.
CardanoBIJavascript Bip32 Implementation
Pure javascript implementation of Bip32Ed25519, used for Cardano blockchain key pair.
Javascript Bip32 ImplementationAutomint
A python library for automating transactions on Cardano.
AutomintAnsible Cardano-Node
An Ansible playbook for provisioning a Cardano stake pool. A plug-and-play Cardano node.
Ansible Cardano-NodeFlint
A browser extension wallet available for mobile (Android and iOS). Delegate stake, interact with dApps, browser your NFTs, send funds to Milkomeda, and more!
FlintAtomic Swap
Enabling peer-to-peer trading on Cardano. Trade multiple tokens and NFTs with another users for multiple tokens and NFTs without smart contracts or a 3rd party.
Atomic SwapPyCardano
A Cardano library written in Python. It allows users to create and sign transactions without depending on third-party Cardano serialization tools.
PyCardanoEssential Cardano
The open-sourced list of project building on Cardano, along with official and community generated resources. Managed by IOHK.
A Discord Bot that provides multiple Cardano blockchain linked features to Discord moderators and their server members.
A non-custodial, light wallet for Cardano, offering hardware wallet support.
An open-source, light wallet from EMURGO. Offering wallets for both the Cardano and Ergo chains.
An open source, browser extension, light wallet.
A decentralized order book style DEX supporting limit orders, swaps, and token staking. MuseliSwap is live on Cardano and the Milkomeda C1 sidechain.
A Go language library for the Cardano network.
An automation platform for Cardano that can trigger various action upon detecting a payment to a wallet address.
A smart contract based marketplace for Cardano NFT collections where NFTs are organized by collection.
jpg.storeOpenCNFT Public Rest API
The open sourced API for the data gathered on OpenCNFT, available for public use with a simple and polite citation to the creator.
OpenCNFT Public Rest APISpaceBudz Marketplace
The open source code for the smart contract that is implemented as a marketplace on the Spacebudz website. It can be used for both auctioning and static offers.
SpaceBudz MarketplaceDuelist King
A blockchain agnostic, decentralized, NFT card game with a focus on community involvement. Join Little John in his quest to find the Dualist King’s Holy Chest.
Duelist Kingcardano-wallet
The official HTTP service for sending and receiving payments on Cardano.
cardano-walletCardano Serialization Library
A library for serialization & deserialization of data structures used in Cardano's Haskell implementation of Shelley along with useful utility functions.
Cardano Serialization LibraryPlutus Pioneers Program
This program teaches Haskel and Plutus, preparing students for writing smart contacts on Cardano.
Plutus Pioneers ProgramGameChanger
A gamified wallet featuring and open source code allowing developers to connect their dApps to the wallet.
GameChangerCardano Client Library
A client library for Cardano in Java, which can be used in Java applications to interact with the Cardano blockchain.
Cardano Client LibraryDaedalus Wallet
The “official” wallet of Cardano, created by IOHK. Daedalus is an open-source, full node wallet available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Daedalus WalletOgmios
A lightweight protocol translation service acting as a translation interface between Cardano nodes and applications written in languages besides Haskell.
An open sourced, decentralized, platform for scalable, cloud computing and data storage, operating across multiple blockchain and offering dynamic pricing.
An open-sourced resource of CSKs, APis, and other tools designed to facilitate developer learning and the development and launch of proof of concept.
A javascript/typescript SDK allowing users to use javascript without exposure to the underlying REST structure in which the official Cardano Wallet is written.
An AMM DEX featuring multiple, algorithmically different, liquidity pools for the same token pairs.