NFT & Token Minting
Building an open-source suite of NFT standards, tools, and dApps on Cardano. As well as a cross-chain bridge between Cardano and Avalanche.
An NFT and fungible token (FT) minting service.
QuickMintMartify Labs
An NFT marketplace with a focus on community. A launchpad for in-game and metaverse NFT marketplaces is in the works.
A service providing a simple way to mint both static and HTML NFTs on the Cardano blockchain, featuring a fixed price marketplace for selling them.
easyCNFT.artCardano Native Token Builder
An automized token creator which allows you to mint Cardano Native Tokens and NFTs.
Cardano Native Token BuilderRetroNFTs
RetroNFTs provide Blockchain services, Token minting, artwork layering and consultancy for NFT projects.
An NFT minting service for projects Building on Cardano. Offering a variety of mint types to suit different project’s wants and needs.
PeppermintADA Anvil
Providing multiple service for web3 companies and those looking to integrated web3 into their project.
A white-label, NFT minting service that can be integrated into dApps and websites to facilitate and manage the minting and sale of NFTs on a large scale.
NMKRMermADA Minting
A white-glove NFT Minting service offering a wide range of options from Vending Machine Sales to Token Faucet Sales run by TAILS pool Team
MermADA Minting
Dao Tool
Providing open source tools to support DAO infrastructure and promote decentralization.
ADAOClarity Protocol
The Clarity Protocol is a library of smart contracts wrapped in an easy to use interface so anyone can create, manage, and participate in DAOs.
Clarity ProtocolClear Contracts
Building open source DAO tooling to enable DAO creation and governance in a low/no code manner. Also offering a no-code escrow service.
Clear ContractsTempo
Your decentralized governance solution! Seamlessly integrate voting, empower communities, and ensure transparency.
TempoSTEAK Protocol
Utilizing the proven Ouroboros proof of stake (PoS) mechanism, the STEAK protocol offers a groundbreaking approach to implement PoS directly on the Cardano bloc
A tool for creating and managing DAOs and the assets they hold (On the Milkomeda C1 sidechain)
A unique easy to use platform that allows everybody to create an on-chain vote in the Cardano ecosystem.
Social Bots & Tools
A monthly subscription service that works to protect members of an NFT project’s Discord community from scammers.
Connect a Cardano wallet to a Discord account and complete multiple blockchain actions in Discord including trades, token minting, proof of ownership, and more.
Turbocharge your Cardano NFT projects with industry-standard engagement tools. Track secondary sales, share new mints and apply ownership-based Discord roles.
CNFTLABDiscord Management Solutions
Building a variety of bots, for both Twitter and Discord, for managing Web3 communities. Choose from existing bots or ask for one to fit your needs.
Discord Management SolutionsCNFT/Bot
Add the CNFT/Bot to your NFT projects Discord server to provide data feed to channels of sales and listings, give users roles, and much more!
A Discord Bot that provides multiple Cardano blockchain linked features to Discord moderators and their server members.
Engineers For Hire
A Haskell, Rust, Blockchain and AI consultancy, with knowledge of Plutus and Idris.
A functional programing consultancy of Haskell/Plutus programers offering development solutions and audits for Cardano projects at all stages of development.
A recognized project collaborator in the Cardano blockchain space, Vacuumlabs consult on and develop blockchain solutions for fintech companies and marketplaces
The enterprise arm of IOG offering, amongst others, IOG's Atala solutions: TRACE, SCAN, PRISM; to developers, startups, enterprises, and governments.
Plutus specialists who design, develop, integrate, verify, and audit Plutus smart contracts.
Project Catalyst
Project Catalyst is an experiment in on-chain governance that puts the community at the heart of deciding the priorities for the growth of the Cardano network.
Project CatalystcFund
An early-stage investor, sector agnostic, venture firm anchored by IOHK and managed by Wave Financial.
cFundAdanian Labs
Focusing on starting and supporting socially impactful and commercially driven companies that will change the world from Africa.
Adanian LabsMaestro
Maestro run ISPOs for projects in the Cardano ecosystem and provide a blockchain API to aid them in development.
MaestroChess Of Art
Chess of Art is an NFT marketplace built on the Cardano Blockchain with the mechanism of unlocking a new age of NFT utilities to users!
Chess Of Art
Community Building & Management
CardanoPress is a plugin for WordPress that allows any WordPress powered website to connect the Cardano blockchain and build DApp style websites with no code.
CardanoPressCardano SPOT
Get the latest updates from the Cardano ecosystem and join the discussion on the hottest topics in the Cardano community.
Incentivizing Cardano Testnets
TestnetCoins.ioFreeLoaderz Dao LLC
Leveraging open source code and the Cardano Community at large, FreeLoaderz is constantly working towards a free and Decentralized Cardano.
FreeLoaderz Dao LLC
Token Distribution Tool
A token distribution tool for users to claim tokens. Featuring in-depth pricing data and charts for all Cardano tokens, developing token and NFT minting tools.
A token dispensing service allowing projects to drop tokens to Cardano stake pool delegators each epoch.
An NFT Content Delivery Service, allowing you to displaying Cardano NFTs efficiently and optimally across the worlds of the internet and applications.
A token vending machine for those staking on Cardano and an airdrop tool for both Cardano and Ergo.
Payment Solution
A merchant payment solution allowing merchants to accept ADA as payment for their goods and services.
ADA PaySupra
Supra helps Cardano merchants and creators create checkout links for their products and services without writing any lines of code.
Supra helps Cardano merchants and creators create checkout links for their products and services without writing any lines of code.
Accept crypto payments, grow your business With our safe and easy-to-use crypto payment gateway, we enable your business to accept crypto payments and quickly
Team of experienced specialists, providing software development for Cardano projects
Team of experienced specialists, providing software development for Cardano projects
MetaLampBlockchain Learning Center
Developing accessible and engaging educational resources that empower people from all walks of life to learn about using blockchain technology for good.
Blockchain Learning Center
Organizational Tool
A decentralized, collaborative automation platform to minimize the time between the inception of an idea and its development into a fully-functional product.
VrooliPop Up World Token
Pop Up World is a digital platform launched in 2020 that helps start-ups and small businesses “reach for the stars”.
Pop Up World Token
Job Platform
Layer 2 Solutions