Nio App
The first Mobile App tracking DeFi investment on Cardano
Nio AppApeWatch
Monitor the total value of the holdings of any Cardano wallet.
ApeWatchMercury Chat
A wallet-to-wallet messaging system for Cardano that can be integrated into dApps.
Mercury ChatAtrium Lab
A data and feature rich wallet management app that acts like your Cardano wallet and offers incentives for certain actions and encourages a fairer experience.
Atrium LabMachada
Machada helps you monitor your Cardano wallet and automate flows based on it.
A free Android app for monitoring the state of Cardano, viewing the contents of any wallet, and all the statistics you could want associated with it.
A wallet alerts bot for Discord. Get notifications about incoming wallet activity for up to 3 different Cardano wallets.
WalletBudNio App
The first Mobile App tracking DeFi investment on Cardano
Nio Appblocktrust
Blocktrust is building identity solutions on top of **Atala PRISM**
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Crossmint offers infrastructure for enterprises and developers to create, distribute, and custody NFTs at scale.
CrossmintToolkit for Cardano
Simplifying the development of smart by contracts allowing teams to make progress with minimal wallet integration overhead.
Toolkit for CardanoRay Network
Developers of an open sourced DeFi ecosystem, tools for developers, and user tools on the Cardano blockchain.
Ray NetworkTyphonjs
A Javascript implementation of the Cardano wallet library.
TyphonjsByron Network
An ecosystem of of DeFi dApps and user tools built on Cardano, being designed for multichain operation.
Byron NetworkCardano Python Module
Python module for handling Cardano cryptocurrency. Currently it wraps the cardano-wallet API in a Python code, providing an abstraction layer.
Cardano Python ModuleFreeLoaderz
A Coalition of Cardano Stake Pools offering url API access to their relay servers to help improve transaction speed by opening up ports to user wallets
FreeLoaderzJavascript Bip32 Implementation
Pure javascript implementation of Bip32Ed25519, used for Cardano blockchain key pair.
Javascript Bip32 ImplementationAutomint
A python library for automating transactions on Cardano.
A community-run launchpad that raises funds, builds and accelerates startups that are solving social and environmental issues.
An automation platform for Cardano that can trigger various action upon detecting a payment to a wallet address.
The official HTTP service for sending and receiving payments on Cardano.
An address routing service allowing users to own human readable addresses for their Cardano wallets; simplifying the sending and receiving of ADA.
A toolkit for coldfusion developers enabling them to natively perform wallet functions within coldfusion for IOHK's official cardano-wallet.
A coin for the travel and leisure industry, incentivizing users on the already operating and expanding, surprise trips platform FlyKube and other platforms
A subscription management and micro-lending and borrowing platform aiming to redefine their user's personal management of subscription services.
Human readable Cardano addresses that associate with the owner's wallet and a searchable web address displaying custom data. Simplifying the sending of assets.
AdaDomainsCardanoSharp Wallet library
A C# library for creating and managing wallets and building and signing transactions in .NET applications.
CardanoSharp Wallet librarycardano-wallet-js
A javascript/typescript SDK allowing users to use javascript without exposure to the underlying REST structure in which the official Cardano Wallet is written.
An AMM DEX featuring multiple, algorithmically different, liquidity pools for the same token pairs.