Open World
Welcome to the new era of open world Metaverse on Cardano!
A green and blue, earth-esque metaverse.
A Cardano Metaverse project inspired by the history of the Cardano blockchain as well as the Community that has formed as a result.
Cardalonia is a community driven, advanced, play-to-earn metaverse game on the cardano blockchain.
Cardalonia is a community driven, advanced, play-to-earn metaverse game on the cardano blockchain.
CardaloniaPocket Towne
A friendly oasis town where Pocketers can play games, socialize, and decorate their living space. Artist-centric with a focus on collaboration and NFT utility.
Pocket TowneWorld of Cardano
A fantasy based metaverse with four different Kingdoms.
World of CardanoCarda Station
A metaverse on Cardano. Own land and attend events in this virtual world on the moon.
Carda StationCardabbean
Cardabbean is a virtual Caribbean style metaverse built on the Cardano blockchain where you can purchase your own private island in the Cardabbean Islands.
A play-to-stake metaverse game where staking rewards are distributed between player based on player performance in harnessing energy reserves.
A metaverse on Cardano with 5 geographically and architecturally distinct villages.
A play-to-earn, learn-to-earn, and build-to-earn MMORPG located in the ever expanding metaverse of 'The Island', featuring: themed zones, mini games, and NFTs.
A metaverse and game ecosystem.
A memecoin with ideas of NFT collections, trading card games, and a metaverse game element should they receive enough backing. Also doing charity donations.
A memecoin with ideas of NFT collections, trading card games, and a metaverse game element should they receive enough backing. Also doing charity donations.
ADA Warriors is a Metaverse Project and a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). Adventure in the Fantasy World/Dark Realm.
ADA WarriorsCyberVerse
CyberVerse is a free-to-play, cross-chain and play-to-earn MMORPG live in public beta on Cardano blockchain!
CyberVerseStellar Hood
Stellar Hood is a highly tokenized scientifical webgame utilizing the first fully on-chain NFT on Cardano and introducing the project-interoperability concept.
Stellar HoodIRONSKY
IRONSKY NFT game P2E build on Cardano | Spaceship battle and discovery galaxy gaming
Items & Real Estate
There are many Cardano metaverse projects building on Cardano, including many Cardano metaverse games. These range from earth-like metaverses, to medieval metaverses, and include, fantasy worlds, different periods of history, other planets, and even the moon. Many Cardano metaverse projects are in their infancy and in the process of being built.
We’ve organized the metaverses building on Cardano into 3 categories: Open Worlds, MMORPG, and Items & Real Estate. An open world metaverse on Cardano is one where you can freely explore the whole metaverse and these offers more of a social setting. MMORPGs are Cardano metaverse games where large amounts of users interact with each other to accomplish a goal, often having to clan up along the way; crucially, in these Cardano metaverse games, the game clock continues to tick on even when you’ve left the game.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Metaverse?
The metaverse is a virtual space in which users can exist and interact with other users. Metaverses are often themed, many look familiar mimicking the earth of today, but others are “fantasy” worlds. These setting include other planets, different periods in history, new periods in the future, metaverses focused around a Sci-Fi theme, and other lands where the only limits are the creator’s imagination! In the scope of what is possible metaverse truly are unlimited.
- Best Cardano Metaverse Project?
Different community members will tell you that different metaverse are better, however what is best for you is the metaverse that suits your wants and needs. Do you want a Cardano metaverse game? See the MMORPG section above to find all the metaverse games being built on Cardano. Are you looking for a more social experience or to attend events in the metaverse? Then the open world category will suit you best.
- Does Cardano Have a Metaverse?
There are multiple Cardano metaverse projects building a variety of different worlds. These projects are in the development phase, however many post regular updates to their social accounts to show the progress of their development.