Supra helps Cardano merchants and creators create checkout links for their products and services without writing any lines of code.
Go implementation of the Cardano Ouroboros protocol
gOuroborosBlink Labs
Open source and custom blockchain solutions for Cardano
Blink LabsMetaLamp
Team of experienced specialists, providing software development for Cardano projects
MetaLampCardano Starter Kit
Cardano Starter Kit is a Next.js project for building cardano web3 applications with TypeScript, use-cardano, and Lucid.
Cardano Starter Kituse-cardano
use-cardano is a react context, hook, and set of components that makes interacting with the Cardano blockchain easy.
Incentivizing Cardano Testnets
#OpenSource tools and infrastructure for #Cardano blockchain developers. We focus on integrating on-chain data with off-chain infrastructure.
TxpipeSummon Platform
A comprehensive solution for intuitive DAO creation, on-chain voting, governance & treasury management, access to DeFi utilities and more.
Summon PlatformCardano-Tools Python Library
A python module for interfacing with the Cardano blockchain.
Cardano-Tools Python LibraryLibCardano
A high-performance library of Cardano blockchain tools written in modern C++.
LibCardanoObsidian Systems
Software consultancy specializing in Haskell, Nix, curiosity, and innovation.
Obsidian SystemsImperatorLang
A project to bring imperative programming languages to Cardano L1.
A functional programing consultancy of Haskell/Plutus programers offering development solutions and audits for Cardano projects at all stages of development.
Adaberry Pi stake pool helps decentralize the Cardano blockchain while building the Adamint @ Pi Place and donating to environmental rehabilitation projects.
00000Adanian Labs
Focusing on starting and supporting socially impactful and commercially driven companies that will change the world from Africa.
Adanian LabsMLabs
A Haskell, Rust, Blockchain and AI consultancy, with knowledge of Plutus and Idris.
Highly available and scalable software infrastructure (APIs/SDKs) for developers to build on top of Cardano, saving time and reducing costs.
TangocryptoCardano Updates
A Github commits tracker for all Cardano blockchain development. With daily reports and a 7 day aggregator to track the progress of Cardano's development.
Cardano UpdatesVacuumlabs
A recognized project collaborator in the Cardano blockchain space, Vacuumlabs consult on and develop blockchain solutions for fintech companies and marketplaces