The Digital Gold Ecosystem is a three Token ecosystem that specializes in virtual mining, collectable NFTs, retro gaming and a user friendly browser interface.
Kezex (KZX) token, a decentralized finance and multichain innovation. Built on the robust Binance Smart Chain using the BEP-20 standard, it's the best crypto to
A podcast, also a YouTube channel, focused mainly on the goings on in Cardano NFTs but often touching on other Cardano topic too. Both fun and informative.
Big Pey dishes up content that includes interviews with some of the largest projects in the ecosystem, and content that breaks down hot topics in Cardano.
A newsletter and Twitter Space with a focus on Cardano DeFi and RealFi projects.
A podcast from the highly knowledgable team at mLabs. Sometimes serious, often fun, always educational.
A YouTube content creator producing "almost daily" videos covering Cardano news. Ranging from project updates to the impact of government regulations.
A podcast featuring interviews with projects building on Cardano and informative how-to videos and breakdown videos covering all things Cardano.
A Cardano community member producing content each weekday covering updates on the development of Cardano and projects in the Cardano ecosystem.
Cardano information, social, and media content aggregator, featuring blockchain and ADA data points with links to explorers and other resources.
A YouTube show interviewing NFT projects and live streaming a CNFT News Show every Friday to update viewers about the goings on in the Cardano NFT space.
A digital media resource covering news and projects within the Cardano ecosystem.
A news aggregator covering every facet of Cardano and ADA news. Read the latest news updates, drawn only from reliable sources.
A hub for Cardano NFT news with a own minting engine for creators. They also list multiple different resources for NFTs on Cardano and other Cardano resources.