Cardano Engineers


  • MetaLamp

    Team of experienced specialists, providing software development for Cardano projects

    MetaLamp, Cardano Project Building Resources.

    Incentivizing Cardano Testnets, Cardano Project Building Resources.
  • Youblob

    Rapid prototyping made easy ...even for AI

    Youblob, Cardano Industry Solutions.
  • Summon Platform

    A comprehensive solution for intuitive DAO creation, on-chain voting, governance & treasury management, access to DeFi utilities and more.

    Summon Platform, Cardano Project Building Resources.
    Summon Platform
  • Obsidian Systems

    Software consultancy specializing in Haskell, Nix, curiosity, and innovation.

    Obsidian Systems, Cardano Project Building Resources.
    Obsidian Systems
  • Strica

    Builders of open source developer tools for Cardano and engineers who can be hired to integrate Cardano solutions into other projects.

    Strica, Cardano Developer Tools.
  • IOG (IOHK)

    A globally distributed, blockchain infrastructure and engineering company. The creators and developers of the Cardano blockchain.

    IOG (IOHK), Cardano Developer Tools.
    IOG (IOHK)
  • Platonic.Systems

    A functional programing consultancy of Haskell/Plutus programers offering development solutions and audits for Cardano projects at all stages of development.

    Platonic.Systems, Cardano Project Building Resources.
  • dcSpark

    Crypto ecosystem builders aiming to boost adoption and chain interoperability by building critical products that move the ecosystem to the next level.

    dcSpark, Cardano Developer Tools.
  • MLabs

    A Haskell, Rust, Blockchain and AI consultancy, with knowledge of Plutus and Idris.

    MLabs, Cardano Project Building Resources.

    The enterprise arm of IOG offering, amongst others, IOG's Atala solutions: TRACE, SCAN, PRISM; to developers, startups, enterprises, and governments.

    EMURGO, Cardano Project Building Resources.
  • Vacuumlabs

    A recognized project collaborator in the Cardano blockchain space, Vacuumlabs consult on and develop blockchain solutions for fintech companies and marketplaces

    Vacuumlabs, Cardano Project Building Resources.