
A feature and information rich light wallet, that offers a mobile app, a web app and a browser extension.

The Eternl wallet offers all the features a user needs to interact with the Cardano network. It is also available as a mobile app (iOS and Android) and as a browser extension for Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Opera. Users of Eternl can:

  • Send, receive, and store ADA, NFTs, and tokens
  • Stake ADA to a pool of their choice
  • Register to vote in Project Catalyst
  • Create an easily readable address book of recipients
  • Create up to 24 accounts drawn from the same mnemonic phrase but not publicly associated with each other

Eternl’s user interface is intuitively organized and information rich. It also features an “Announcements” section, where the wallet’s creators post updates and important news regarding the wallet.

To the beginner user the amount of content in the wallet interface may, initially, be a little daunting. However, the data points on display are all valuable to users of Cardano and the wallet, and the organization of these data points is intuitively labeled and logically organized, presenting minimal confusion to the user.

Users can connect their Eternl to a hardware wallet, Ledger or Trezor (not all models are supported), to add an extra layer of security.

Here is a guide for How to Create an Eternl Wallet.

Eternl was formerly known as ccvault, and before that it was called ccwallet

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