Smart Contract
GenWealth helps you plan and secure your crypto assets, ensuring they are managed according to your wishes in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
GenWealthDigital Gold Series Two Mining Permit
Digital Gold Ecosystem BLOCKCHAIN SUPERHEROS CNFT Collection Minting July 27tH 2024 for 55 ADA per NFT
Digital Gold Series Two Mining PermitMetaLamp
Team of experienced specialists, providing software development for Cardano projects
ADABET is a sports betting platform that applies Cardano blockchain technology to build betting transactions.
ADABET.iOToolkit for Cardano
Simplifying the development of smart by contracts allowing teams to make progress with minimal wallet integration overhead.
Toolkit for CardanoEpoch Art
AN NFT marketplace supporting bundles and having a requirement to go through the team to list a project.
Epoch ArtFracada V2: il Primo
A smart contract for locking up an NFT and tokenizing its ownership. Multiple NFTs can be added to the contract after its initial creation.
Fracada V2: il PrimoClarity Protocol
The Clarity Protocol is a library of smart contracts wrapped in an easy to use interface so anyone can create, manage, and participate in DAOs.
Clarity ProtocolImperatorLang
A project to bring imperative programming languages to Cardano L1.
ImperatorLangClear Contracts
Building open source DAO tooling to enable DAO creation and governance in a low/no code manner. Also offering a no-code escrow service.
Clear ContractsMartify Labs
An NFT marketplace with a focus on community. A launchpad for in-game and metaverse NFT marketplaces is in the works.
Martify LabsMarlowe
A special purpose language designed to allow anyone to write and execute P2P financial contracts on any blockchain.
Plutus specialists who design, develop, integrate, verify, and audit Plutus smart contracts.
A fractional NFT protocol, written in Plutus, that allows users to fractionalize Cardano NFTs using a smart contract.