Virtual Machines
Opening up Cardano to the Solidity/Ethereum and wider blockchain community through the K framework.
When implemented this framework will create a permanent bridge, enabling developers to work seamlessly across the Cardano and the Ethereum ecosystems, now and into the future.
This first step is to create the KEVM, K Ethereum Virtual Machine, running the EVM, Ethereum Virtual Machine, within the K Framework. This allows Solidity developers to launch and run programs and smart contracts -written in solidity- on the Cardano platform. This is also plugged into Mantis to provide compatibility with Ethereum Classic.
The second step in the expansion of Virtual Machine compatibility will be IELE. This is a dedicated virtual machine that provides a foundation for the Cardano blockchain protocol. It executes and verifies smart contracts and provides human-readable language for blockchain developers. IELE allows universal compatibility, meaning that it will be possible to write smart contracts in several languages and deploy them to the test environment.