Cardano Pool Tools

Pool Tools

  • Tempo

    Your decentralized governance solution! Seamlessly integrate voting, empower communities, and ensure transparency.

    Tempo, Cardano Project Building Resources.
  • FreeLoaderz

    A Coalition of Cardano Stake Pools offering url API access to their relay servers to help improve transaction speed by opening up ports to user wallets

    FreeLoaderz, Cardano Dev Tools.
  • TADATek

    An SPO producing informative Youtube content for a Vietnamese audience, also proposing an incentives token for SPOs to reward long-term delegators with.

    TADATek, Cardano Community & Learning.
  • Grafana Dashboard

    Create a visual dashboard and an alert system to monitor your stake pool’s metrics, health and other data relating to its position in the stake pool system.

    Grafana Dashboard, Cardano Stake Pool Operator Tools.
    Grafana Dashboard

    Real-time data visualization of block reward distribution, stake movements, and overall staking statistics. Data is available back to Epoch 208., Cardano User Tools.

This section of Built on Cardano lists tools for both Stake Pool Operators, SPOs, and stake pool delegators. The majority of tools listed here have been created to facilitate the searching and/or discovery of stake pools on the Cardano network by delegators. Each pool explorer is unique and has its own method and system for exploring stake pools on Cardano, along with its own unique way of displaying them. Many of these tools also have novel, secondary functionalities that are interesting and useful to the right user.

Other tools listed here are for stake pool operators and give them the means to monitor their pools and to see why they might not be working. Regular users who are interested can also use some of these tools to monitor the pool they are staking to.